ARRANGER: How Arrangers Do It


StrengthsFinder Theme/CliftonStrengths Theme: ARRANGER

What Is the ARRANGER Theme

Arrangers are the people in our lives who have a natural sense of productive order and who can effortlessly manage many spinning plates at once.  They are able to structure their thinking and actions like those of a conductor—bringing complex, multifaceted, and multi-phased elements into seamless coordination.  This is how they get things done.  For them, being outward looking, nimble, and flexible are keys to true productivity.  Why stick with Plan A or B, when Plan Z is so much better?  The best configuration possible is far more important to them than sticking with something based on principle or others’ egos—if there is a more efficient method, do it.  They come alive during times of change and can maximize efficiency—even under stress—by visualizing the outcome.  In this way, they are drawn to that which is both intense and still-becoming, because they know that a little wiggle-room mixed with a bit of pressure brings out the best in them.  Arrangers keep us tuned in to opportunities for growth and action all around us in the motion-filled, ever-changing world.

Why Should We Care

They are great managers of resources and of people because they intuitively draw on other’s Strengths and leverage potential by putting the best pieces in the best order.  They might not be able to explain how they know what they know—but they are usually right, especially when it comes to streamlining things.  They are resourceful, creative, and brave, often willing to dive into chaos headfirst in search of signs of order.  In a nutshell, they are super capable people who have a particular knack for orchestration—moving things from the invisible into the visible.  The saying, “If you can’t find a way out, find a deeper way in” may very well resonate with them.  This is because they prefer newness to comfort—that which is procedural or well-worn holds little magic for them.  To be at the heart of the action is important to them; though, this does not mean that they prefer pandemonium.  Instead, when their spirit of openness is paired with their ability to execute they are able to bring forces, teams, and ideas together that create positive, lasting, and meaningful impacts. 

Ten Things to Know About People with ARRANGER

1.  Quick.  These are people who get thought-flashes.  An idea will pop into their head and sometimes, without warning, they will suddenly shift gears or change directions.

2.  Routines.  Folks with the Arranger theme generally prefer dynamism to predictability.  They may choose to change things up just to see what it’s like.  Their aim, in any situation, however, is to reach a more perfect arrangement.

3.  Stamina.  They are able to create solutions and coordinate various moving consistently and with a great measure of accuracy.  It can be effortless for them. 

4.  Firsthand.  For them, actually being there—where the action is—is key.  They don’t really want to hear about what is going to happen if, instead, there is an opportunity for them to actually be there.  They are people who prefer, when possible, to see for themselves.

5.  Intuitive.  Arrangers are highly intuitive people who generally get things done by listening to their gut and trusting what they hear.  Their innate senses of composition, balance, and alignment are the tools with which they do their best work.  They are also quite sensitive to when something is “off” about a person or a situation.

6.  Memory.  They are able to process a lot of information very quickly and they seem to remember the way that things are done—the strategy or the approach—more than they remember the minute details of each moving part.  In a way, they think in “systems” and are always refining them.

7.  Multi-tasking.  This is their art.  They are very perceptive and can anticipate concerns and next steps very easily. 

8.  Connections.  They may not shy away from juxtaposition or combining seemingly strange ideas when it comes to their thought processes.  They like to look for links between seemingly disparate elements—sometimes just to see what happens, but often in order to learn the limits and boundaries of their thinking and the world.

9.  Making things.  They might be drawn to making things which call upon their sense of design and composition, like models, quilts, and scrapbooks.  Games like dominos, war, and mouse-trap seem to hold a particular excitement for them.

10 .Love. They will likely prefer for their relationships to be dynamic and without a sense of predictability. Arrangers like for their connections to evolve naturally, as opposed to evolving along a set of predetermined benchmarks. Their attitude might often be, “Let’s see where this goes.”